10 Mind-Blowing Tech Facts You Probably Didn’t Know!

10 Mind-Blowing Tech Facts You Probably Didn’t Know!

Published: 2025/02/01

Author: Admin

Technology is constantly evolving, shaping the way we live, work, and communicate. Here are ten fascinating tech facts that might surprise you!

  1. The First Computer Was Huge
    The first-ever computer, the ENIAC, was built in 1945 and weighed about 27 tons! It took up an entire room and had over 17,000 vacuum tubes.
  2. Google Was Almost Called ‘BackRub’
    Before settling on the name Google, its founders originally named their search engine ‘BackRub’ because it analyzed website backlinks.
  3. The First Website Is Still Online
    The first website ever created, built by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991, is still live today. You can check it out at info.cern.ch.
  4. There Are More Connected Devices Than People
    As of today, there are over 15 billion internet-connected devices, more than twice the human population on Earth!
  5. The First iPhone Wasn’t Made by Apple
    Believe it or not, Cisco Systems originally owned the trademark for ‘iPhone’ before Apple. They later reached an agreement, allowing Apple to use the name.
  6. The Word ‘Robot’ Comes from a Play
    The term ‘robot’ was first used in a 1920 Czech play called R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) by Karel Čapek. It means ‘forced labor’ in Czech.
  7. NASA Sent an iPod into Space
    In 2005, NASA sent an iPod into space to help astronauts on the Space Shuttle Discovery store important files and music for their mission.
  8. Most of the World’s Currency Is Digital
    More than 90% of the world’s currency exists in digital form, meaning only about 10% of money is actually physical cash.
  9. Facebook’s Color Scheme Has a Reason
    Facebook’s signature blue color is because Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind and finds blue the easiest to see.
  10. The First Email Was Sent in 1971
    The first-ever email was sent by Ray Tomlinson to himself. Unfortunately, he doesn’t remember what it said!

Technology continues to amaze us every day, and who knows what the future holds? Stay tuned for more interesting facts and updates!

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